Why the Scarab
Jung saw a patient regularly. He believed she was in need of an unexpected life experience to shake her up, providing a “spiritual shock intervention”.
One day the patient was in for her session, reflecting on a dream from the previous night in which she was handed a “golden [colored} scarab”. As Jung listened to the dream he heared a light tapping on the window, he went over to the window and found a beetle of the “scarab” variety.
Stunned, he captured the scarab, walked over to his patient and says “here is your scarab”. This incident helped the patient heal, and solidified Jung’s fascination with the subconscious and synchronicity.
I remember hearing that scarab story years ago. I love that we can use synchronicity as a guide. Right now I’m interested in creating my own destiny; I call upon the scarab to guide me.
The scarab beetle is a guide from the cosmic universe, letting you know that fate and destiny are always at work. We might be at a crossroad, and it offers a whole new way of being.