Meet Maisy.
She's a long-haired feline with soft-as-clouds fur in hues of orange, black and white.
Her sweet green eyes have an incredible depth, with a slight bit of mystery that all cats seem to possess. She pads about on white bunny feet, with the most adorable tufts of fur sprouting from between her little toes.
Have you ever possessed an incredible, profoundly strong connection with an animal? I have this inexplicable connection with Maisy. We share an understanding that food should be nibbled and savored.
Maisy wasn't the only love of my life. Several years ago, I met a man and fell in love. He was an all-around wonderful man. But he came with one hitch: he was allergic to cats. After much contemplation and tears, I sent precious Maisy to live with a good friend.
Words cannot convey how much I missed my sweet-eyes, bunny-footed kitty. I poured my love into my artwork and created this piece. A feminine, long-haired bunny lounges on a patch of pink grass. It was reminiscent of the way in which Maisy would lounge in the warm sunshine.
Maisy blessed my friend with her feline fabulousness for six months. But one day, things changed. Maisy's caretaker inexplicably developed allergies.
I took it as a sign and took back my precious bunny-footed kitty. My boyfriend adjusted.
We are no longer together, but Maisy still remains. Perhaps there's a bit of bunny magic afoot.
Encaustic, Mixed Medium